Re: Proposal to include CE Mark

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Tue May 05 2009 - 14:18:34 CDT

  • Next message: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven: "Re: Proposal to include CE Mark"

    Albrecht Dreiheller wrote:

    > I hereby propose to include the CE-Mark in the Unicode standard.

    As John Jenkins indicated, the performative verb there is somewhat
    anachronistic ("I hereby propose..."). You can propose encoding
    a character to this list, but that doesn't actually accomplish
    the introduction of a formal proposal that would be acted on
    by the UTC and WG2. For that, you need to write up a proposal,
    attach the Summary Proposal Form, and submit it to the UTC for
    consideration (and later also WG2).

    > The glyph outlines of the CE Mark are defined by rules of the European Union.
    > Originally, the CE Mark is only a symbol that is used on products
    > to mark them as, in a few words, "conforming to certain standards".

    It seems a reasonable enough addition as a symbol for the standard,

    > The detailed "declaration of conformity" shipped with the product
    > as a document
    > does not really need the CE Mark to be written in the glyph
    > form of the official CE Mark.

    This really needs to be addressed in a formal proposal. The
    specified design (which is followed in all of the documents you
    linked to as exhibits) makes this look like a sequence of two
    specially-styled letterlike symbols, a "C" and an "E", functioning together
    to indicate the specified symbolic usage as the CE mark. Each
    of the glyphs separately is wider than the digits typically
    appearing with each of these document citations. So as an
    encoding, should this be treated as one (very wide) symbol,
    or as two specially styled letterlike symbols used in sequence
    for this function?

    Furthermore, if the CE Mark doesn't actually need "to be written
    in the glyph form of the offical CE Mark", then what actually
    *is* the acceptable range of glyph forms used for this, and
    in that case, would a sequence of regular capital letters
    serve as a substitute, i.e. "CE", the way the sequence "(c)"
    often stands in for the copyright sign, or would "CE" be
    considered to *be* the CE Mark?

    > If you want more examples, take one of the European translations for
    > "Declaration of conformity" and search the web:

    I don't want more examples right now, but a formal proposal should
    provide exhibits of a few usages in text, both in
    the prescribed glyphic form shown by the links you provided,
    but also demonstrating importantly any *other* forms that
    the symbol takes.


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