Re: What justification for separately encoding two forms of lowercase sigma

From: verdy_p (
Date: Tue Sep 08 2009 - 06:47:21 CDT

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: What justification for separately encoding two forms of lowercase sigma"

    "André Szabolcs Szelp" wrote:
    > Actuall, _long_s_ has been used not only contextually, but also
    > orthographically versus _short_s_.
    > Mediaeval and Early Modern orthographies of Slovene use the distinction to
    > mark the difference between IPA [s] and [z].
    > While the algorithmically indeterminable way of using long vs. short s in
    > many instances over its use in Latin paleography and typesetting might be
    > and was indeed one argument for encoding them separately, this
    > abovementioned example is a definite instance of separate characterhood.

    Are you sure that this usage was with the long s ? Aren't you making a confusion with the separate letter esh, which
    may look similar in lowercase, but that has a curved leg (when the long s has no leg and fits only above the base line
    on which it connects directly or through a horizontal serif...)

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