中文繁简体互转工具 - 哪一个最好? Chinese Traditional <=> Simplified Converter - Which is Best?

From: Ed Trager (ed.trager@gmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 04 2010 - 16:10:40 CST

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    Hi, everyone,

    A number of groups have created tools to convert Chinese Traditional
    (繁体字: TC) orthography to Simplified (简体字: SC) and vice versa.

    The tools which I perceive as being under current active development include:

    (1) 新同文堂 (New Tong Wen Tang) http://of.openfoundry.org/projects/333/rt
          This is a Firefox plugin. Version was just released.

    (2) Google Translate includes the ability to translate between SC <=> TC.

    (3) The Chinese edition of Wikipedia allows SC <==> TC conversion.

    Among these, which is the best?

    By "best" I mean of course "most accurate" across a wide range of domains?

    #1 and #2 are easy to use for any purpose: I'm not sure how one could
    use Wikipedia's tool(s) outside of that context. 新同文堂 has gotten good
    reviews, which is promising.

    Feel free to express your opinion on these tools or suggest additional
    (free) alternatives that work well.

    - Ed

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