RE: Optometry symbols proposal

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2010 - 12:16:56 CST

  • Next message: Kent Karlsson: "Re: Optometry symbols proposal"

    Leo Broukhis <leob at mailcom dot com> wrote:

    >>> I understand that you meant this as an April 1 joke, but I would
    >>> (passively) support these actually becoming encoded.
    >> For what purpose?  So people could write about the symbols themselves?
    > E.g. to represent unambiguously the angular discrepancies of vision
    > acuity in printed text, rather that referring to numerical angles
    > which direction and origin can vary (cf. compass angless and cartesian
    > plane angles).

    This doesn't sound much like a plain-text application to me, but I've
    been proven very wrong about symbols before.

    Doug Ewell  |  Thornton, Colorado, USA  |
    RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14  |  ietf-languages @ ­

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