Re: Indian Rupee Sign (U+20B9) proposal - copyright/licencing issue

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Tue Jul 20 2010 - 16:52:12 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Pau Cin Hau scripts proposal : confusive N3865 and better older N3781"

    "Mahesh T. Pai" <>
    > You have a point there; the government of India needs to publish that
    > design in their gazette. Till then, it is not a formal decision, AFAICT.
    > And I suppose that publication in the gazette will be sufficient a "license".

    Absolutely NO ! What is needed is a legal act from the legislature, or
    the publication of an explicit licence by the government delivering
    explicitly such licence to anyone for general display and use (except
    in very limited domains).

    > After all the European Commission does not claima a copyright on the
    > euro sign, does it?

    Yes it does ! And not only the copyright is claimed, but also the
    author's rights (on the original design) is protected, even if the
    author transfered the copyright to the EC that acquired it (when
    paying the author), he still has some moral rights (notably, nobody
    else can claim the fame for the creation of the design).

    The copyright is firmly affirmed and is used to protect the banknotes
    and coins using the original design, so that ONLY the ECB, or a
    central bank authorized by the EC, can issue such banknotes and coins.
    The exceptions are in fact not part of the legally licencing terms,
    but part of the legislation protecting the banknotes and coins and the
    currency value in general.

    For all the rest, the use of the logo as a glyph in fonts, or drawing
    in books, is liberalized, including in derived works.

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