Application that displays katakana and Hangul text in Normalization Form D [Was Re: Application that displays CJK text in Normalization Form D] :-)

From: Jim Monty (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2010 - 17:37:35 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Application that displays CJK text in Normalization Form D"

    [I apologize for the repost. The original one was formatted badly.]

    Andrew Cunningham wrote:
    > Jim Monty wrote:
    > > In my original post, I used "CJK text" in opposition
    > > to non-CJK text because non-CJK text (in particular, Latin text) in
    > > Normalization Form D displays properly in the same software I described
    > > where CJK text (in particular, katakana and Hangul) in Normalization
    > > Form D does not display properly.
    > Actually the Latin text can suffer from the same problems, Latin text
    > in NFD has similar dependencies as Korean text in NFD, and sometimes
    > with worse results.

    Yes, I realize this, too. I was referring to the specific case of East
    Asian-script characters in NFD, not the general case of characters in any script

    in NFD.

    In Notepad, I see an o with a macron on top of it for the Unicode characters
    U+006F U+0304. On the next line of the same text file, there are the two Unicode

    characters U+30C8 U+309, but I do not see a katakana letter do. Instead, I see a

    katakana letter to and, to the right of it, a katakan-hiragana voiced sound
    mark. I observe essentially the same thing in other applications, including
    BabelPad and SC UniPad. So this is this specific circumstance that led me to ask

    the Unicode community about a specific case: Asian-script characters in Unicode
    Normalization Form D.

    The answer for my specific case (thanks to Doug Ewell) is that the version of
    Uniscribe installed on my computer is not properly rendering katakana and Hangul

    characters in Normalization Form D. It seems I need a better Uniscribe.

    The other valuable thing I learned is that there are plenty of systems (complex
    systems of computer and similar digital device hardware, video display devices,
    computer operating systems, software applications, font-rendering and
    text-layout service applications, fonts, etc.) that support Unicode in
    Normalization Form D better than the systems I'm using at the moment. I didn't
    know this.

    Thank you for the additional information about Latin-script NFD.

    Jim Monty

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