Re: Assigning a plane for mapping digits for many different bases

From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Wed Mar 09 2011 - 08:04:08 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Assigning a plane for mapping digits for many different bases"

    On 9 Mar 2011, at 12:56, André Szabolcs Szelp wrote:

    >> Dots are also used for IPv4, but it becomes ambiguous if one needs a fractional part.
    > Oh, quite a lot of people use "," for fractional parts...

    The 22nd General Conference on Weights and Measures (2003) declared to use either a "." or a "," (see page below, section "History", last paragraph). Admitting both though creates an ambiguity of 1,2 interpreted as a list of two numbers 1, 2 or a single number 1.2.

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