Re: Proposal for Combining Up Tack Above

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Apr 07 2011 - 09:38:41 CDT

  • Next message: Frédéric Grosshans: "Re: Three modest proposals"

    In Daniel's reference image, there was also the case of a combining up
    tack BELOW the small letter s (example given for English word "his"),
    instead of above it. Your images are only showing the parts of the
    table concerning vowels. Just below this table, there was also a
    section with the diacritics expliciting the pronunciation of

    All these examples are in fact showing an usage of diacritics to show
    the pronunciation as an interlinear notation on top of the standard
    English orthography which is not modified (not even the punctuations
    which are preserved as well). This constrasts with IPA-like notations
    that completely ignore the orthography, and concentrate only in
    showing the pronunciation (of vowels, consonnants, diphtongs, clicks,
    stress, tones, pauses...).

    This notation works roughly well with English as it rarely uses
    diacritics for its orthography, except in rare words borrowed from
    other languages (notably the acute accent, the tilde and sometimes the
    cedilla). However this additional phonetic notation may conflict with
    some words, notably for people names and toponyms (for example the
    diaeresis). But it cannot represent all phonetics needed for other
    languages, or even for some regional variants of English. I thnk it is
    only appropriate for "standard" (simplified) American English, but it
    may even be overkill as it creates distinctions that are not even
    heard by many native English speakers (some displayed distinctions are
    frequent allophones), and tnhis notation could be poor with British
    English (due to its distinct inherited orthography where letter pairs
    are still reversed, or mute letters from former diphtongs or vowel
    length distinctions are still written orthographically, for
    etymological reasons).

    But for all other usages, IPA notations are more precise (in phonetic
    notations) and allow easier management of allophones (in phonologic
    notations, notably in dictionnaries) using a conventional unification
    of some IPA symbols, based on the most common usage by various
    speakers in the region for which the dictionnary is created.


    2011/4/7 Andrey V. Lukyanov <>:
    > There is a similar picture here:
    > (
    > At that picture, this diacritic looks like a dot merged with macron, so it
    > may have different shapes.
    > ==

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