Re: Non-standard Tibetan stacks

From: Richard Wordingham <>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 01:03:39 +0100

On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 23:32:51 +0100
Andrew West <> wrote:

> Chris Fynn asked about certain non-standard stacks he was trying to
> implement in the Tibetan Machine Uni font in an email to the Tibex
> list on 2006-12-09, but these didn't involve multiple consonant-vowel
> sequences (one stack sequence was <0F43 0FB1 0FB1 0FB2 0FB2 0F74 0F74
> 0F71> which would be reordered to <0F42 0FB7 0FB1 0FB1 0FB2 0FB2 0F71
> 0F74 0F74> by normalization which would display differently).

Isn't the position now that the correct encoding would be <0F43 0FB1
0FB1 0FB2 0FB2 0F74 0F74 034F 0F71>? If U+034F can prevent the
misordering of hiriq and patah in Hebrew (TUS Version 6.0 Section
16.2), then it should be able to sort out the ordering of Tibetan
vowels. What does this stack abbreviate?

I think U+034F is also the answer to distinguishing Tibetan <C,
I, U> and <C, U, I> abbreviations of <C, I, C, U> and <C, U, C, I> -
distinguish them as <C, I, U> and <C, U, U+034F, I>.

Received on Wed Aug 17 2011 - 19:05:40 CDT

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