Re: Fake Unicode

From: Jeremie Hornus <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2012 20:03:08 +0200

On 25 Mar 2012, at 19:17, Doug Ewell wrote:

> Mark Davis ☕ replied to Jeremie Hornus:
>>> More seriously on the "symbols field":
>>> Unicode could include traditional ancient symbols (with real
>>> meanings) such as the Akan's Adinkra displayed in Saki Mafundikwa's
>>> _Afrikan Alphabets_ book published at Mark Batty Publisher (ISBN
>>> 0-9724240-6-7).
>>> Perhaps there is already a draft proposal on that matter?
>> You can check on the pipeline of characters at
>>, with some pointers to how to
>> make proposals, if you are interested....
> I’m assuming the goal here is to propose symbols that have traditionally been used as part of inline text, not just any pictorial symbol.

Yes, the issue is similar to the one of the Mayan/Aztec languages and their hieroglyphs/pictograms/symbols before spanish orthography took over their writing with latin letters.

Received on Sun Mar 25 2012 - 13:06:11 CDT

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