Re: Caret

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 05:55:53 +0100

Thanks for admitting this. But I used an informal adjective on purpose, to
avoid having to display any numeric statistics.

But even in this case is is very clear that this is **much** less than 50%,
rather than just "less than 50%" which gives an extreme upper bound (that
one coud think probable).

Even in the case of digits+letters, this will likely concerns only
measurement (including dates and time stamps) and it will remain rare to
find these using Euro-Arabic digits associated with Arabic or Hebrew
letters without an intermediate directionnally weak space. As soon as there
will be some space (or hyphen, sjamsh or punctuation) separation between
the numeric value and the Hebrew/Arabic word or abbreviation, the editor
behavior does not need to use dual carets. In addition, most measurements
should use international unit symbols which are not written with RTL

Anyway, such specification describing the problem more compltely should be
documented in the UBA, explaining the recommanded solution for the case of
caret positioning and visual hints about the direction of insertion. The
use of carets showing the direction explicitly will also help, even if only
one caret is needed in most cases (leaving the case with two caret
positions to the "very" infrequent case of a position between strong-RTL
and strong-LTR spans).

2012/11/13 Eli Zaretskii <>

> > From: Philippe Verdy <>
> > Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 21:35:03 +0100
> > Cc: UnicoDe List <>
> >
> > This case remains very infrequent: it is extremely rare to start typing
> > text in the middle between RTL and LTR text. Usually typing occurs at end
> > of a paragraph, and most paragraphs use a single direction and when you
> > have to insert new text in the middle of a paragraph, this is extremely
> > rarely between a visual-LTR sequence and a viual RTL sequence (I think
> the
> > most frequent case will occur between digits and letters/symbols, in
> cases
> > like currency amounts or measurements).
> If by "rare" you mean less than 50%, then I agree. But this case is
> frequent enough to annoy. And yes, making changes between letters and
> digits is by far the most frequent situation where this happens.
Received on Mon Nov 12 2012 - 22:59:49 CST

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