Re: Caret

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 09:21:39 +0100

I should give an example for this dual view mode that allows displaying
both carets:

Imagine the edited logical text of one line is
"...latinlatinlatin|ARABICARABICARABIC..." and the logical insertion point
is exactly between the Latin and Arabic parts, the UBA-resolved display of
the line is normally:
 || ...latinlatinlatin_...CIBARACIBARACIBARA^ ||

Where || marks the visible separation margins of the view, and _ is the
RIGHT-pointing insertion caret at end of the UBA-resolved LTR span
"...latin", and ^ is the LEFT-pointing insertion caret appearing at the
begining of the UBA-resolved RTL span "ARABIC..."

But the Arabic span is too long to fit fully in the edit view in order to
whow the BEFORE logical context (...latin|) which should display here on
the left, and the AFTER logical context (|ARABIC...) which should disply on
the right. Then the view will be splitted as:
  || ...latin_ || ...CIBARA^ ||

Note that in this case of the LTR-to-RTL logical transition, both carets
are shown to the RIGHT of their respective view. The BEFORE context is in
the LEFT view, and the AFTER context is in the RIGHT view.

If this was a RTL-to-LTR logical transition as in
"...ARABICARABICARABIC|latinlatinlatin..." and if the display cannot fit
the following view:
 || _latinlatinlatin...^CIBARACIBARACIBARA... ||

Then the dual view would become
  || _latin... || ^CIBARA... ||

And both carets would appear to the LEFT of their respective view in order
to show enough context in each one. But the BEFORE context is now in the
RIGHT view, and the AFTER context is in the LEFT view.

In both cases:

  1. The BEFORE or AFTER context with UBA-resolved LTR direction (latin) is
shown in the LEFT view. In that view the displayed caret is always pointing
to the LEFT

  2. The BEFORE or AFTER context with UBA-resolved RTL
direction (ARABIC) is shown in the RIGHT view. In that view the displayed
caret is always pointing to the RIGHT

  3. The other lines below the current line should be splitted in the same
two views, in order to align their contents vertically with the visible
content of the current line, as if there was no view split : we are seeing
the same document, keepoing its logical margins, even if both side-margins
of the document's page *may* eventually not be shown simultaneaously, as we
can't fit the full page width in the available width for the total text
input area.
Received on Thu Nov 15 2012 - 02:24:38 CST

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