Unicode Security Mechanisms (UTS #39) Proposed Update Available

From: <announcements_at_unicode.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:02:41 -0800


UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms
<http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/tr39-10.html> has a proposed update
available, with modifications for alignment with the future Unicode 8.0,
and some revisions to data and format. Most notable are the new Unicode
8.0 characters, the removal of the SL, SA, and ML data, and some changes
in the values of the General Security Profile Identifier Types, and
changes in the format for both the Status and Types.

Feedback is welcome through April 27, 2015. For further information and
details about how to provide feedback, please see Public Review Issue
#292 <http://www.unicode.org/review/pri292/>.


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Received on Thu Feb 12 2015 - 16:07:59 CST

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