Re: Android 5.1 ships with support for several minority scripts

From: Roozbeh Pournader <>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 15:14:30 -0700

On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Andrew Cunningham <>

> Testing on Thai Tham will occur ... I was curious as to what the original
> design parameters forvthe font was. It is easier to evaluate a fonts
> language support knowing what was originally indended.

I unfortunately don't know that.

> For instance I do not assume that the myanmar font was designed to support
> all languages that use the myanmar script.

I was involved in development of the Myanmar font. We have tried to cover
as many languages that we found requirements for, mostly from the
information available in Martin Hosken's UTN 11.

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Received on Sat Mar 14 2015 - 17:15:25 CDT

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