Some advice would be appreciated

From: David Faulks <>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 13:21:50 +0000 (UTC)

In putting together things for yet another submission of Astrology symbols, I've been putting aside symbols which seem very rare, or are used by only one or two astrology sites (even if they are more widely known). However, I've also come across symbols which are used/originate with one popular astrology program.

For example, in the common Dutch astrology program Astrolab, I have some samples below:

It is pretty common to see versions of the Lunar Node symbols, ☊ U+260A ASCENDING NODE and ☋ U+260B DESCENDING NODE with ‘T’ inside them (to indicate a ‘True’ calculated location), but Astrolab is the only program I've seen that uses both T and non-T versions of ☊ at the same time.

The ‘White right-opening crescent on top of a cross’ (or white ⚸) symbol is called Priapus, and many astrology programs claim to be able to use it, but it seems that only users of Astrolab do so (and post charts and listings) on a regular basis, for I can find no non-Astrolab samples.

(except for

Some Swiss/German astrology programs use a different symbol for Priapus, but I have only seen it in chartwheels, not tables or listings.

For the point known as ‘Black Moon Lilith’ (⚸), Astrolab uses a Black Crescent (like many other astrology programs). This could be treated as a glyph variant, but for the ‘True’ version, A Black Crescent with a bar is used, which would need separate encoding. This crescent with bar seems restricted to Astrolab, and a much rarer Dutch astrology program, AstroScoop (which uses reversed crescents, however).

In Russia, a ‘White Moon Selena’ is somewhat popular, the symbol usually looks like a reversed white ⚸. However, it turns out there are at least 3 ways to calculate this point. The popular ZET astrology program provides separate symbols for them, and I have seen rare charts (with listings) that have 2 of them at the same time.

Also, ZET uses a special symbol for ‘True’ Black Moon Lilith, which looks like a black diamont on top of a cross, or a filled in Pallas:

These symbols are used only in ZET...well, mostly

So, I'm wondering whether this is goof enough to justify encoding separate symbols for these cases.

Received on Fri Mar 25 2016 - 08:23:27 CDT

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