Re: Why is TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA (pulli) not Alphabetic?

From: Doug Ewell via Unicode <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2018 14:03:25 -0700

Richard Wordingham wrote:

>>> The effects of virama that spring to mind are:
>>> (a) Causing one or both letters on either side to change or combine
>>> to indicate combination;
>>> (b) Appearing as a mark only if it does not affect one of the
>>> letters on either side;
>>> (c) Causing a left matra to appear on the left of the sequence of
>>> consonants joined by a sequence of non-visible viramas.
>> Most of these don't apply to Tamil, of course.
> They all apply to க்ஷே <U+0B95, U+0BCD, U+0BB7, U+0BC7> TAMIL
> SYLLABLE KSSEE. There are four other named syllables where they all
> apply.

And several others where they do not. TUS explains that visible
puḷḷi is the general rule in Tamil, and conjunct ligatures are the

I should have written "These mostly don't apply to Tamil, of course."

In any case, Ken has answered the real underlying question: a process
that checks whether each character in a sequence is "alphabetic" is
inappropriate for determining whether the sequence constitutes a word.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, CO, US |
Received on Tue May 29 2018 - 16:04:17 CDT

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