Re: Encoding italic (was: A last missing link)

From: James Kass via Unicode <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 21:40:21 +0000

Although there probably isn't really any concerted effort to "keep
plain-text mediocre", it can sometimes seem that way.

As we've been told repeatedly, just because something has been done over
and over again doesn't mean that there's a precedent for it.

Using spans of text as a general indicator of rich-text seems reasonable
at first blush.  But selected spans can also be copy/pasted (relocated),
which is not stylistic at all.  Spans of text can be selected to apply
casing, which is often seen as non-stylistic.  In applications such as
BabelPad, spans of text can be converted to-and-from various forms of
Unicode references and encodings.  Spans of text can be transliterated,
moved, or deleted. In short, selecting a span of text only means that
the user is going to apply some kind of process to that span.

Avant-garde enthusiasts are on the leading edge by definition. That's
why they're known as trend setters.  Unicode exists because
forward-looking people envisioned it and worked to make it happen.
Regardless of one's perception of exuberance, Unicode turned out to be
so much more than a fringe benefit.
Received on Tue Jan 15 2019 - 15:41:05 CST

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