Accumulated Feedback on PRI #241

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Mon Feb 11 18:46:22 CST 2013
Name: Sebastian Riese
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX #31

In Section 5.1 of UAX #31 one reads

> > The reverse implication is not true in the case of compatibility equivalence: 
> > isIdentifier(toNFC(S)) does not imply isIdentifier(S). There are many characters for which the
> > reverse implication is not true, because there are many characters counting as symbols or 
> > non-decimal numbers—and thus outside of identifiers—whose compatibility equivalents are 
> > letters or decimal numbers and thus in identifiers. Some examples are shown in Table 8.

The given notation "isIdentifier(toNFC(S)) does not imply isIdentifier(S)" implies canonical 
equivalence, but the accompanying text speaks of compatability equivalence. Therefore this 
paragraph should be clarified.

Feedback above this line was considered at the May 2013 UTC meeting.

Date/Time: Mon May 20 18:23:23 CDT 2013
Name: Cibu Johny
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX#31 Fig 3: better example pairs

The current example contrasts two visuals on legibility point of view. 
Following example, would provide meaning difference to make the case stronger:

1) സദ്‌വാരം (uses ZWNJ; meaning 'Good week')
2) സദ്വാരം (does not use a joiner; meaning 'with a hole')

Date/Time: Mon May 20 18:23:23 CDT 2013
Name: Cibu Johny
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX#31 Fig 3: better example pairs

The current example contrasts two visuals on legibility point of view. 
Following example, would provide meaning difference to make the case stronger:

1) സദ്‌വാരം (uses ZWNJ; meaning 'Good week')
2) സദ്വാരം (does not use a joiner; meaning 'with a hole')