Accumulated Feedback on PRI #280

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Sun Nov 16 11:52:50 CST 2014
Name: James Q. Arnold
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: typos in UTR#23

These notes concern the proposed update to UTR #23, dated 2014-08-12, revision 10.

2.7, second paragraph.  Space missing between the first and second sentences.

3.2, PD6.  Should be "A value for *an* encoded ...."

3.4, PD16, Next to last paragraph.  Trailing "S" should be dropped:  "... that they do not handle.*S*"

3.6, PD33.  wording "... that is logically adjacent between code units" needs work.  Probably should be "... logically between code units".

5.2, second paragraph.  The code for "A" is U+0041, not U+0061.  Occurs twice.

5.2.1, 3rd sentence.  "An immutable properties ..." should be "An immutable property ..."