Accumulated Feedback on PRI #303

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Mon Oct 5 17:01:44 CDT 2015
Name: Philippe Verdy
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX#31 update : Tables 3a and 3b

The update says:

  In UnicodeSet syntax, the characters in these tables are:

  Table 3: [\_\$]
  Table 3a: [\x{200C}\x{200D} \- ֊ ‐ ゠ ・ \: . · ' ’ ‧ \x{5F3} \x{5F4} ་]
  Table 3b: [\x{200D} ׳]

but the HTML tables just before show in that \x{5F3} HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH 
is only in table 3b for Continue (where it is shown literally in the UnicodeSet), 
but NOT in table 3a for Medial. This should then be corrected as:

  Table 3a: [\x{200C}\x{200D} \- ֊ ‐ ゠ ・ \: . · ' ’ ‧ \x{5F4} ་]

Otherwise the 3 UnicodeSets are not mutually exclusive as intended and described 
in the introduction (Figure 1).

Date/Time: Mon Oct 5 17:27:04 CDT 2015
Name: Philippe Verdy
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX #31 Update: Tables 3a and 3b

In my previous report I forgot also \x200D which is also in both UnicodeSets:

  Table 3a: [\x{200C}\x{200D} \- ֊ ‐ ゠ ・ \: . · ' ’ ‧ \x{5F3} \x{5F4} ་]
  Table 3b: [\x{200D} ׳]

So the fix is:

  Table 3a: [\x{200C} \- ֊ ‐ ゠ ・ \: . · ' ’ ‧ \x{5F4} ་]

Remark: may be \x{5F4} does not really need to be escaped, but if it does, 
then \x{X5F3} should also be escaped in table 3b:

  Table 3b: [\x{200D} \x{5F4}]

Feedback above this line was reviewed at the November 2015 UTC meeting, and incorporated into the subsequent draft.