Accumulated Feedback on PRI #383

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Sun Jan 6 23:07:34 CST 2019
Name: NAKAUCHI Tomohiro.
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX#14-rev.41 contains a few slight writing errors and typos.

In UAX#14-rev.41, I found a few sort of writing errors and typos as following summaries:

[1.] Link misses(a few reference of link do not correspond with text caption).
[2.] Merely typo.
[3.] Likely, a revising is forgotten.

Details describe below.

1. Link misses.

A few links are not corresponding with their caption, following:

1-1. In the description "CL: Close Punctuation (XB)".

Citing source code:


<pgt;The class lt;a class="charclass" href="#CL"gt;CLlt;/agt; is closely
related to the class lt;a class="charclass" href="#CL"gt;CPlt;/agt; (Close
Parenthesis).  They differ only in thatlt;a class="charclass"
href="#CL"gt;CPlt;/agt; will not introduce a break when followed by a
letter or number, which prevents breaks within constructs like


There are two links of "<a class="charclass" href="#CL">CP</a>",
which captions are "CP" although reference is "#CL".

1-2. In section 9.1, "Combining Marks in Regular Expression-Based Implementations".
A part of source code:


<pgt;Implementations that use regular expressions cannot directly express
rules lt;a class="charclass" href="#LB9"gt;LB9lt;/agt; and lt;a
class="charclass" href="#LB10"gt;LB10lt;/agt;. However, it is possible to
make these rules unnecessary by rewriting lt;igt;alllt;/igt; the rules from
<a class="charclass" href="#LB10"gt;LB11lt;/agt; on down so that the...


The caption of last link "<a class="charclass" href="#LB10">LB11</a>" is "LB11" whereas reference is "#LB10".

2. Merely typo.

In the description of "RI: Regional Indicator (B/A/XP)", there is typo as
"beginnning".(which there is in paragraph immediately above the caption of
"SA: Complex-Context Dependent (South East Asian) (P)".)

3. Likely, a revising is forgotten.

As of Unicode 10.0, Section 7 was deleted which contains quasi-code and
table of character-class. However, a few words/texts below may be forgotten

3-1. In Section 8, "Customization".

Althouth last paragraph of this section describes "The remainder of this
section gives...", is this descrption correct? This description is "about
how to customize the pair table implementation", although the pair table
implementation was deleted. Perhaps, I think that a removing or a revising
of this paragraph is forgetted.

3-2. In section 8.1, "Types of Tailoring".

Last paragraph of this section describes "these three straightforward
customization steps", although there are only two steps. I think that the
word of "three" represent for former UAX#14(which is rev.37).

3-3. In section 8.2, "Examples of Customization".

"Example 4" describes "In this case the intersections of NU/NU, NU/AL,
AL/AL, and AL/NU are affected.". I think that the term of "intersections"
represent for the pair table. So that, I propose that rule and class are
indicated like the description of "Example 5".

Of course, I have read the UAX#14-rev.42(which is the proposed update for
Unicode 12.0). And, I found that the UAX#14-rev.42 also contains same
writing errors and typos. So that, I hope that my indications above are
reflected UAX#14 of Unicode 12.0 too.