Accumulated Feedback on PRI #400

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Wed Jul 17 00:37:45 CDT 2019
Name: William T. Nelson
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI400 spoofing variants examples

In UAX38 version 13 draft 1, §3.7.3 (Spoofing Variants) includes the pair U+672C 本 and 
U+5932 夲 among examples "where two highly similar shapes are separately encoded because 
of source code separation, without regard to other considerations."

While this pair is in the Annex S source separation examples list, they perhaps 
shouldn't be, as the characters are non-cognate. Their relationship would be more 
accurately classified as unifiable components (UCV 126).

Date/Time: Wed Jul 24 10:47:00 CDT 2019
Name: William T. Nelson
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI400 follow-up feedback

In the UAX38 draft page markup, the formal definition of the property
kSpoofingVariant is given id="kZVariant" which breaks the anchor tag link
for kZVariant.

There is a missing space before the URI in the text "vs.https://清水.org."

Spelling fixes:
occurance → occurrence
accomodation → accommodation
Commitee → Committee

The naming of kSpoofingVariant implies that it will be a security primitive,
but its implementation and applicability are underdefined for security
purposes. I think Unihan contributors need more time to hammer out more
details. For example:

• What is the range of intended uses? Is it more than domain names?
• What is the scope of characters covered? Should it be limited to URO 
	plus IICore and the small number of other unified ideographs used for IDN?
• kZVariant is a dependency of kSpoofingVariant; what about kSimplifiedVariant?

My overall point is that the spoofing issue is complex, and we may need
feedback from experts beyond the Unihan contributors. In the meantime, we
can continue working to improve the kZVariant data.

Feedback above this line was reviewed and incorporated into the draft as of 2019-08-22.

Date/Time: Sun Jul 14 20:47:53 CDT 2019
Name: Jaemin Chung
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #400 – Change request for UAX #38

I propose making the following changes and addition to the Unihan Database and UAX #38.

U+8C6C  kHangul  저:X
U+F92C  kHangul  낭:X
U+F9B8  kHangul  예:X
U+27CEF  kHangul  저:1

"X" indicates that a K source was formerly at that code point but got removed later.
• K0-522B was moved from U+F92C 郎 to U+FA2E 郞 (in Unicode 6.1)
• K0-6766 was moved from U+F9B8 隸 to U+FA2F 隷 (in Unicode 6.1)
• K1-6B6B will be moved from U+8C6C 豬 to U+27CEF 𧳯 (in Unicode 13.0; confirmed at WG2 #68 last month)

The syntax and definition for kHangul in UAX #38 need to be updated to cover the new X source identifier.

Documents regarding K0-522B and K0-6766:
Documents regarding K1-6B6B:

Date/Time: Thu Sep 19 20:19:09 CDT 2019
Name: Eiso Chan
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: Corrections for PRI 400, UAX #38

For 3.4, "Guangxi Province" should be modified to "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region", 

For kIRG_TSource description, we once discussed and TCA had confirmed the 
descriptions in Unihan mailing list, the title(s) for the email(s) is/are 
"[unihan] Unihan Digest, Vol 49, Issue 17", and the description should be 
modified as below. 

T1 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 1st plane
T2 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 2nd plane
T3 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 3rd plane with additional characters
T4 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 4th plane
T5 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 5th plane
T6 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 6th plane
T7 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 7th plane
TA TCA-CNS 11643-2007 10th plane
TB TCA-CNS 11643-2007 11th plane
TC TCA-CNS 11643-2007 12th plane
TD TCA-CNS 11643-2007 13th plane
TE TCA-CNS 11643-2007 14th plane
TF TCA-CNS 11643-2007 15th plane
T11 TCA-CNS 11643 17th plane (pending new version)
T13 TCA-CNS 11643 19th plane (pending new version)
TU The source reference for this character has been moved; the value is its code point.

Date/Time: Wed Dec 4 07:39:18 CST 2019
Name: Ken Lunde
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRIs 400/412 feedback (Unihan Database)

While collecting candidates for the soon-to-be-proposed "kStrange" property, 
I came across the following 10 ideographs that would benefit from changes to 
their kRSUnicode property values, in terms of improving their discoverability:

Extension B:
U+20064 𠁤 # kRSUnicode 31.2 -> 146.-1
U+20099 𠂙 # kRSUnicode 4.4 -> 127.-1
U+2053E 𠔾 # kRSUnicode 13.2 -> 137.-2
U+244F0 𤓰 # kRSUnicode 87.0 -> 97.-1
U+2789B 𧢛 # kRSUnicode 147.14 -> 109.16

Extension E:
U+2B820 𫠠 # kRSUnicode 1.1 -> 56.-1 & 62.-2
U+2B84F 𫡏 # kRSUnicode 4.2 -> 66.-1

Extension F:
U+2CEB1 𬺱 # kRSUnicode 1.2 -> 75.-1
U+2D80D 𭠍 # kRSUnicode 64.0 -> 64.0 & 62.-1
U+2E39B 𮎛 # kRSUnicode 139.0 -> 139.-1


-- Ken

Date/Time: Wed Jan 8 16:43:32 CST 2020
Name: Ken Whistler
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #400

Submitting on behalf of Richard Cook...
There's an error in tr38-28, in the Table 4.4 character count for the 
2nd "CJK Strokes" range. See below? That one jumped out at me, since 
the total 16+20=36 is a magic number. I didn't check all the counts.

U+31C0..U+31CF	CJK Strokes	4.1	16
U+31D0..U+31E3	CJK Strokes	5.1	19


U+31C0..U+31CF	CJK Strokes	4.1	16
U+31D0..U+31E3	CJK Strokes	5.1	20