Accumulated Feedback on PRI #419

This page is a compilation of formal public feedback received so far. See Feedback for further information on this issue, how to discuss it, and how to provide feedback.

Date/Time: Fri Jan 15 16:41:35 CST 2021
Name: Charlotte Buff
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: UAX #44: Incorrect Statements about CCC

In UAX #44 (Unicode Character Database), towards the end of section 5.10.1
(Character Property Invariants), the following is written:

	»All characters other than those of General_Category M* are guaranteed to
	have Canonical_Combining_Class=0. Currently it is also true that all
	characters other than those of General_Category Mn have
	Canonical_Combining_Class=0. However, the more constrained statement is
	not a guaranteed invariant; it is possible that some new character of
	General_Category Me or Mc could be given a non-zero value for
	Canonical_Combining_Class in the future.«

The second and third sentences of that paragraph are inaccurate:

• There exist several characters with General_Category=Mc whose CCC is not 0.

• Characters with General_Category=Me cannot be given a CCC value other 
than 0, as this is forbidden by property value stability policy.

Feedback above this line was reviewed before or during UTC #166