JTC1 N5999

New Work item proposal (NP) for an amendment 
of the Korean part of ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993

Submitted by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea

December 7, 1999

L2 has to vote on this NP by December 26, 1999

The document is an extension of L2/99-353 (SC2/WG2 N2056)

Due to the size of this document, it is broken into parts of manageable size - see table below:

Link Contents of part Size in kB
J1n599901 Proposal outline 165
J1n599902 Annex A: Korean character combining alphabet 140
J1n599903 Annex B: Special characters compatible with KPS 9566-97 (to be extended) 90
J1n599904 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 124 Row AC - Table 131 Row AF)
J1n599905 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 132 Row B0 - Table 141 Row B4)
J1n599906 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 142 Row B5 - Table 151 Row B9)
J1n599907 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 152 Row BA - Table 161 Row BE)
J1n599908 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 162 Row BF - Table 171 Row C3)
J1n599909 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 172 Row C4 - Table 181 Row C8)
J1n599910 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 182 Row C9 - Table 191 Row CD)
J1n599911 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 192 Row CE - Table 201 Row D2)
J1n599912 Annex C: Korean character combining syllables
(Table 202 Row D3 - Table 211 Row D7)