
Motions of the UTC 82 / L2 179 Joint Meeting

Cupertino, CA -- January 31 - February 3, 2000

February 9, 2000

UTC 81/L2 178 Minutes
[82-M1] Motion: Approve the minutes of UTC 81/L2 178 without modification. [L2/99-260] 
Moved by V.S. Umamaheswaran, seconded by Rick McGowan

9 for (Apple, HP, Hyperion, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Sybase, Unisys), 0 against, 3 abstain (Justsystem, Sun, Xerox)

WG2 - Korean
[82-M2] Motion: The UTC fully supports WG2 resolution M37.12 which affirms that WG2 cannot support a proposed reordering of Korean Hangul. [L2/00-010]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran 

13 for (unanimous)

WG2 - Character Glyph Model
[82-M3] Motion: The UTC instructs our WG2 liaison that document L2/00-008 as it stands is in conflict with the character/glyph model, and recommends that the author read UTR#17, Character Encoding Model for clarification of terminology. Further discussion is welcomed.

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar 

13 for (unanimous)
Unicode Standard Publication
[82-M3a] Motion: The UTC thanks the editorial committee for their hard work on Unicode Version 3.
By Acclamation 
Math Symbols
[82-M4] Motion: The UTC accepts the repertoire of L2/00-002 (including the encoding of 24 characters with a variant tag) for encoding on the BMP with the following changes: Directly encoding the 24 characters is an acceptable fallback.

Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Murray Sargent 

7 for, 2 against (Apple, Xerox), 3 abstain (Oracle, Justsystem, Sun)
IRG Report
[82-M5] Motion: The UTC comments on Plane 2 of 10646-2 are to include a request that the CD reflect the changes suggested in the IRG editors report. [L2/99-389]

Moved by John Jenkins, seconded by Tatsuo Kobayashi 

11 for (Apple, HP, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 0 against, 1 abstain (IBM)
Compatibility Characters
[82-M6] Motion: In view of the known set of CNS-11643 compatibility ideographs, the UTC recommends that WG2 update the roadmap to include space for ideographic compatibility characters in Plane 2. [L2/00-032]

Moved by John Jenkins, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

10 for (Apple, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Sybase, Unisys), 0 against, 2 abstain (Xerox, Sun)
[82-M7] Motion: The UTC requests WG2 to instruct the IRG to prepare a collection of compatibility ideographs from CNS 11643-1992, HKSCS, GCCS, and EAAC.

Moved by John Jenkins, seconded by Mike Ksar

12 for (unanimous)
[82-M8] Motion: The UTC requests that WG2 instruct the IRG to prepare a list of candidate unifications across all compatibility ideographs.

Moved by John Jenkins, seconded by Mike Ksar

11 for (Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 1 against (Justsystem), 0 abstain
[82-M9] Motion: Advance Draft Unicode Technical Report #19, UTF-32 to Unicode Technical Report #19, UTF-32.  [UTC/2000-001]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Joe Becker

9 for  (Apple, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Progress, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 0 against, 1 abstain (Oracle) 

Unicode Character Mapping Tables
[82-M10] Motion: Advance Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #22, Character Mapping Tables to Draft Unicode Technical Report #22, Character Mapping Tables after incorporating feedback received during the meeting. [UTC/2000-003, UTC/2000-010]
Moved by Tex Texin, seconded by Rick McGowan
10 for, 0 against, 1 abstain
Math Symbols
[82-M11] Motion: Add the function application and invisible times to the math symbols repertoire of L2/00-002 at U+2062 and U+2063.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Mark Davis

8 for (HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Unisys, Xerox), 0 against, 2 abstain (Apple, Sybase)

[82-M12] Motion: Approve the allocation given in L2/00-033 for the Math Symbol Repertoire with the modifications made in discussion of of the name and location of the U+2062 VARIATION SELECTOR.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Murray Sargent

9 for (HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 1 against (Apple), 1 abstain (RLG)

East Asian Width
[82-M13] Motion: The UTC accepts a revision of Unicode Technical Report #11, East Asian Width with suggested modifications from the meeting.  All updates have no effect on character properties. [UTC/2000-012]
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Rick McGowan

10 for (Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, RLG, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 0 against, 1 abstain (Progress)

Data Files and Properties
[82-M14] Motion: The UTC accepts the change to linking and shaping classes of Hamzat Wasl on Alef as given in UTC/2000-013.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar

11 for (unanimous)

Limiting 10646 to x10FFFF
[82-M15] Motion: Send a contribution to WG2 requesting that WG2 remove the private use groups 60 - 7F and private use planes 00E0 0000..00FF FFFF for the goal of achieving synchrony with the Unicode Standard.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar

11 for (unanimous)

Final Vote on 10646-2
[82-M16] Motion: Vote Yes on the 10646 Part 2 CD and include technical comments on the IRG Report and composition properties of Western Music Symbols, plus additional editorial comments received during the meeting. [L2/99-366]
Moved by Mike Ksar, seconded by Arnold Winkler

10 for ( HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Progress, RLG, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox), 1 against (Apple), 0 abstain

Ligation Control SCSU Signature
[82-M19] Motion: The UTC accepts the proposed signature byte sequence, 0E FE FF, for SCSU as given in UTC/2000-009, and also accepts the proposed text changes to UTR#6 with appropriate editorial changes.