
Variation Selectors

M. Davis, 2001-08-17

There are 3 variation selectors in Unicode 3.1.1 (180B..180D). 256 others have been accepted by the UTC, and are being submitted to WG2: FE00..FE0F, E0110..E01FF (FE00 has already been accepted by WG2).

Here are the properties of the variation selectors:

  1. General category  = Cm (combining mark)
  2. Combining Class = 0
  3. Joining Class = Transparent
  4. Default Representative Glyph = zero-width, invisible glyph.
  5. Special Behavior
  6. Transcoding Implications
  7. Default Collation behavior: completely ignorable: [.0000.0000.0000.0000]