
Motions of the UTC 96 / L2 193 Joint Meeting
Pleasanton, CA -- August 25 - 28, 2003
October 21, 2003

[96-C1] Consensus: Approve the updated minutes of the meeting UTC 94/L2 191 as documented in L2/03-039R.

 [96-C2] Consensus: Approve the preliminary minutes of the meeting UTC 95/L2 192 as documented in L2/03-126.

[96-M1] Motion: Resolve Public Review Issue #10: Interlinear Annotation Characters by changing the General Category for the Interlinear Annotation Characters from Cf to So (Symbol Other), and change the status to not be Default_Ignorable_Code_Points. [L2/03-248,L2/03-251]

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

4 For (IBM, Microsoft, RLG, Sybase)
2 Against (Adobe, Basis)
4 Abstain (Apple, HP, Justsystem, Sun)

Motion 96-M1 fails

[96-C3] Consensus: Resolve Public Review Issue #10: Interlinear Annotation Characters by not changing the general category, but by making them non-default-ignorable, using an exclusion list.

[96-C4] Consensus: Resolve Public Review Issue #11: Soft-dotted Property by adding the list of proposed additional soft-dotted characters, excluding "ij" small ligature U+0133. [L2/03-248]

[96-C5] Consensus: Close Public Review Issue 12: Terminal Punctuation and give the Terminal Punctuation property to Hebrew punctuation sof pasuq U+05C3 and all of the Tibetan "shad" characters: [L2/03-267]


[96-C6] Consensus: Post as a Public Review Issue a mechanism for algorithmically terminating clusters for the purpose of collation of certain scripts.

[96-C7] Consensus: Post a Public Review Issue that we are considering changing the General Category of the Braille characters to be "Letter other" rather than "Symbol other".  [L2/03-281]

[96-C8] Consensus: Advance  Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm including the Default Unicode Collation Element Table draft 5 to Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm. [L2/03-177]

[96-M2] Motion: Do not implement the "base character" property at this time. [L2/03-041R]

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Cathy Wissink

8 For (Adobe, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase)
0 Against
2 Abstain (Apple; Peoplesoft)

Motion 96-M2 carries

[96-C9] Consensus: Issue an erratum to change the annotation under U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE in the names list for consistency with section 15.2 layout controls. [L2/03-139]

[96-C10] Consensus: Post changing the general category of U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE from Zs to Cf as a Public Review Issue, to close October 27, 2003. [L2/03-139]

[96-C11] Consensus: The UTC and L2 endorse the 10646 editor's way forward to base 10646:2003 data on a combination of the two FDAMs. Subsequent changes to the data table should be dealt with in the context of a future amendment. [L2/03-061]

[96-C12] Consensus: (1) Before publishing 4.0.1, Unihan.txt should be synchronized with the 10646:2003 data file. (2) In order to document the changes to normative IRG source fields, we should add an IRG source corrections text file to the UCD, for Unicode 4.0.1, that documents all changes made to these fields from the prior versions. If there are no substantive differences, a file will not be created. [L2/03-061]

[96-M3] Motion: UTC has agreed in principle to define named sequences of character codes. [L2/03-204]

Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Ken Whistler

9 For (Adobe, Apple, Basis, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Peoplesoft, RLG, Sybase)
0 Against
2 Abstain (Justsystem, Sun)

Motion 96-M3 carries

[96-C13] Consensus: The Unicode SC2 liaison should strongly support the transfer of 14651 from WG20 to WG2. [L2/03-217,L2/03-232]

[96-M4] Motion: With reference to the proposal by ISO CPSG to charge fees for the commercial use of ISO codes: ISO infrastructure standards such as ISO 3166 (country codes), ISO 4217 (currency codes), and ISO 639 (language codes) must be royalty-free. The negative consequences of charging royalties would be severe, including strong incentives for companies and other organizations to:

  1. avoid future contributions to ISO standards development
  2. avoid using or referencing ISO standards
  3. develop and use alternative, royalty-free, standards.

Moreover, many of these ISO standards are themselves based on contributions from other sources or duplicate pre-existing data, and charging royalties for the use of this data may expose ISO itself to debates over intellectual property rights and financial liability. Even the discussion of this issue casts a cloud of uncertainty over future use of ISO standards in the IT environment.

Moved by V.S. Umamaheswaran, seconded by Cathy Wissink

10 for (Apple, Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Peoplesoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase)
0 against
0 abstain (Adobe out of room)

Motion 96-M4 carries unanimously

[96-M5] Motion: The recent decision by the maintenance agency for ISO 3166 to re-assign "cs" (formerly Czechoslovakia) to Serbia and Montenegro can cause severe problems. Country codes are a fundamental component of modern computing infrastructure: major operating systems, postal services, business applications, identification and security systems, to name a few. Their stability must be guaranteed. Data that is identified by these codes has a shelf life of decades, not five years.

Corrective actions to take include:

  1. Rescind the re-assignment of the code "cs" to Serbia and Montenegro at the earliest opportunity available, to minimize the impact.
  2. Change the policy to allow the re-use of codes only after a long period of time, such as 100 years.
Moved by V.S. Umamaheswaran, seconded by Cathy Wissink

11 for (Adobe, Apple, Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Peoplesoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase)
0 against
0 abstain

Motion 96-M5 carries unanimously

[96-C14] Consensus:

1. The UTC welcomes the WG2 / IRG initiative to define a Basic International CJK Subset.

2. The UTC notes that it will be important for any such proposed repertoire development to clearly identify the target audience intended for its use. We suggest the development of a requirements list so that the scope of the proposed repertoire can be assessed against the requirements. Suggested requirements would include:

a. Basic CJK language needs, as far as basic educational character lists for Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

b. Implementation categories such as use in PDAs, mobile phones kiosk applications, library automation, and popular publishing.

It is important not to aim the Basic International CJK Subset at all possible audiences, e.g., scholars, which would extend its scope too far.

3. The UTC notes that keeping the Basic International CJK Subset in the approximate range of 7,000 characters would have many beneficial effects for implementation, memory footprints, and font size, while still providing adequate coverage for the vast majority of common CJK characters for all East Asian languages.

4. The UTC wishes to review the proposed Basic International CJK Subset in detail, but will need to have an actual proposed repertoire to be presented before this review can proceed. [L2/02-441]

[96-C15] Consensus: Extend the current beta review for 4.0.1 to October 27, 2003.

[96-C16] Consensus: [96-C16] Consensus: Remand further work on the Unicode Standard Annex and Technical Standard sample conformance clause to the editorial committee. [L2/03-284.]

[96-C17] Consensus: Advance Proposed Update Unicode Standard Annex #29: Text Boundaries  to Unicode Standard Annex #29: Text Boundaries for inclusion in Unicode 4.0.1. [L2/03-295]

[96-C18] Consensus: Advance Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expressions to Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expressions. [L2/03-179, L2/03-290, L2/03-304]

[96-C19] Consensus: Once the UTC accepts the 107 DPRK compatibility ideographs, treat them the same as the other CJK compatibility characters. [L2/02-471, L2/02-472]

[96-C20] Consensus: Add text to Unicode 4.0.1 which points out that combining grapheme joiner has the effect of preventing the canonical re-ordering of combining marks during normalization. [L2/03-235, L2/03-236, L2/03-234]

[96-C21] Consensus: The UTC recommends voting No with comments on FCD 15897. Our review has found unauthorized edits, and the contents do not reflect in all points the agreements reached at the WG20 Korean meeting. Both of these defects must be remedied as a precondition for changing the vote. Additional comments as outlined in L2/03-250 must also be satisfactorily resolved.

[96-C22] Consensus: Change the proposed code point allocations for ATOM SYMBOL and FLEUR-DE-LIS to U+269B and U+269C, respectively, as proposed in document L2/03-214.

[96-C23] Consensus: Change the name of U+267F from HANDICAPPED SIGN to WHEELCHAIR SYMBOL. [L2/03-214]

[96-C24] Consensus: Accept TAMIL LETTER SHA for encoding at U+0BB6. [L2/03-273]

[96-C25] Consensus: Document L2/03-215 on Latin Variation Selector Trema and Umlaut is not acceptable as proposed. The UTC would like to work with the submitter and the German bibliographic community to understand the requirements better and propose other solutions.

[96-C26] Consensus: Encode the eleven phonetic symbols with middle tilde at 1D6C..1D76. Reference document L2/03-174, motion 95-M2.

[96-C27] Consensus: Accept the following four bent arrow characters: [L2/03-119R]


[96-C28] Consensus: Accept 43 Georgian characters for encoding: 38 Nuskhuri letters  at 2D00..2D25, U+10F9 GEORGIAN LETTER TURNED GAN, U+10FA GEORGIAN LETTER AIN, U+10FC MODIFIER LETTER GEORGIAN NAR, U+1D77 LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED G, U+1D78
MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC EN, with new block Georgian Supplementary at 2D00..2D2F. [L2/03-230R]

[96-C29] Consensus: Accept COMBINING ZIGZAG ABOVE for encoding at U+035B. [L2/03-219]

[96-C30] Consensus: Accept ARABIC LETTER LAM WITH BAR for encoding at U+076A. [L2/03-228R]

[96-C31] Consensus: Accept the repertoire of 52 Phags-pa script characters for encoding at U+AB80..U+ABB3 with block name "Phags-pa" at AB80..ABBF. [L2/03-229R2,L2/03-224,L2/03-246,L2/03-269]

[96-C32] Consensus: Accept the representation of four variant Phags-pa glyphs with variation sequences as shown in Table 7 of L2/03-229R2.

[96-C33] Consensus: Accept the encoding model for the Phags-pa script as shown in document L2/03-229R2: such that each letter of a syllable unit is encoded in visual order from top to bottom with the use of positional variants as described in sections 6, 7, 8, and 9 of document L2/03-229R2.

[96-M6] Motion: Accept 94 Glagolitic characters plus 3 punctuation characters for encoding at U+2C00..U+2C5F and U+2056, U+2058, U+2059; with new block Glagolitic at 2C00-2C5F. [L2/03-282]

Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Joan Aliprand

11 for (Adobe, Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Peoplesoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase)
1 against (Apple)
0 abstain

Motion 96-M6 carries

[96-C34] Consensus: Accept  58 Coptic characters for encoding at 2C80..2CBF, excluding the Chi-Rho symbol, and encoding Full Stop and Fraction One Half at U+2CBE and U+2CBF, with new block Coptic at 2C80..2CBF. [L2/03-283]

[96-C35] Consensus: Accept 50 Old Persian characters for encoding on the SMP at U+103A0..U+103D5, with new block Old Persian at 103A0-103DF; with property corrections noted in the meeting. [L2/03-097, L2/03-149]

[96-C36] Consensus: Verify and incorporate the fixes to the errors in Unihan.txt documented in L2/03-287 and L2/03-301, plus others identified by September 30, 2003 into 4.0.1.