L2/05-105 From: John Esling Date: 2005-05-02 To: Rick McGowan Subject: L2/05-097 proposal endorsement Cc: Peter Constable, Katerina Nicolaidis, John Wells Unicode Technical Committee Rick McGowan On behalf of the IPA, I would like to endorse the proposal in L2/05-097. Could you please add it to the documents under consideration at the next UTC meeting? The International Phonetic Association assumes a distinction between the arrows which are IPA symbols 517 'Down arrow' and 518 'Up arrow' and the arrows which are IPA symbols 661 'Down full arrow' and 662 'Up full arrow', and feels that these should be kept separate in shape and coding. Accordingly, the IPA supports the addition to Unicode of the characters MODIFIER LETTER RAISED UP ARROW and MODIFIER LETTER RAISED DOWN ARROW, as proposed in document L2/05-097, 'Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters', as encoded representations for IPA symbols 517 and 518. We are very pleased that IPA symbols have enjoyed such favourable status in coding initiatives over the years, and we hope that font vendors will continue to incorporate them in as complete a way as possible into their products. Yours, John Esling. cc: Secretary of the IPA, President of the IPA -- Dr. John H. Esling, Professor Editor, Journal of the International Phonetic Association Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P4 Canada Office Tel. +1 250 721-7427 Department Tel. +1 250 721-7424 Fax: +1 250 721-7423 E-mail: esling@uvic.ca Department web site: http://web.uvic.ca/ling/ IPA web site: http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/IPA/ipa.html