L2/07-274 Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 From: Mark Davis Subject: Symbols draft resolution The following is a draft summation of the general agreement coming out of the symbols discussion during the UTC, for final resolution Friday morning. In view of widespread use of the emoji and television symbols under discussion, and industry requirements for interoperability, the UTC supports the work being done in the symbols subcommittee on encoding those symbols. In terms of direction for the work going forward: - The general principles enumerated in the background section of L2/07-257 should be followed. - The subcommittee should consider where additional principles should be added based on the WG2 Principles and Procedures and other sources. - Where there is an intersection of symbols between the TV set proposal and the emoji proposal, characters should be considered for unification. - The subcommittee should call out specific cases, such as lightning, which could possibly be unified. It should be careful to justify the rationale for such cases to avoid problems such as have been encountered before with the hourglass. - The combining circle / box should not be used where it can't be applied consistently. - The subcommittee should review the document on Public Signage (L2/06-272), to see where additional symbols should be added. - The UTC will roadmap a section of Plane 1 for additional symbols.