L2/08-266 Title: Suggested Update to 10646 Annex L, Character Naming Guidelines Date: July 30, 2008 Source: Ken Whistler In Action Item 115-A037, the UTC tasked me to "Provide a contribution to WG2 requesting Principles & Procedures update to prevent character name collisions with code point labels." As it turns out, Annex L, Character-naming guidelines of the WG2 Principles and Procedures document now contains no separate guidelines, but instead points to the relevant clause of 10646 (Clause 28) and to Annex L, Character naming guidelines, of 10646 itself, which contain all the details regarding name formation, uniqueness, and the like. So instead of suggesting additional text for the Principles and Procedures document, I would suggest instead that we simply request addition of the following rule to Annex L in 10646: ========================================================== Rule 15 Character names do not start with any of the following strings: control reserved noncharacter private-use surrogate This is to prevent any possible naming collisions with commonly used conventions for labelling code positions with those strings concatenated to code position values, for example: "control-0009", "reserved-1FF0", "private-use-E000", or "noncharacter-FFFF". ==========================================================