L2/08-311 To: UTC From: Deborah Anderson, Script Encoding Initiative Date: 10 August 2008 RE: Feedback on Revised Nushu Proposal L2/08-302 (N3463) 1. General comments Richard Cook reviewed the proposal in early August 2008 and sent the following short report. (He will do additional checking against print sources, particularly Chiang's book, before the WG2 meeting.) "The proposal seems much improved, and addresses all of the questions raised [in document L2/07-300]. I'm not sure I understand all the points made in the appendices, but I'm also not sure I need to understand them all. On the whole, I'm satisfied that the authors understand unification principles, and have prepared a solid proposal. It's not clear to me if there might in fact be other candidates for future encoding: they seem to suggest there might be, but failure to address this question needn't be an impediment to encoding. Future extensions are perfectly acceptable. I still need to do some careful checking of the glyphs against available print sources. But I'm not expecting any problems. The character set is not really so big in Chinese terms. It seems very well defined, and no obvious problems in the multi-column chart. One thing to consider: they might raise the issue of possibly using Variation Selectors for future problematic cases, e.g. widely divergent 'allographs'." 2. Other Comments: Naming The naming conventions need revision. Currently the authors have added "A" "B" "C" "D", even "E" to variants that otherwise have the same basic readings. But what that means is that all of the names look strange, and some of them, such as "YIA" are ambiguous. Is that "YIA" or is it "YI-variantA"? Is "YID" meant as "YID" or is it "YI-variantD", etc. At the very least, they need to update sets like: SYEA SYEB SYEC SYED SYEE to SYE-A or SYE1 or SYE-1 etc.