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¤¤BCP47 Delta

CLDR Version 30 Index

Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.

BCP47u_Extensionkr-currency_description▷missing◁Currency reordering code, see LDML Part 5: Collation
kr-digit_description▷missing◁Digit (number) reordering code, see LDML Part 5: Collation
kr-punct_description▷missing◁Punctuation reordering code, see LDML Part 5: Collation
kr-REORDER_CODE_descriptionOne or more collation reorder codes, see LDML Part 5: CollationOther collation reorder code — for script, see LDML Part 5: Collation
kr-space_description▷missing◁Whitespace reordering code, see LDML Part 5: Collation
kr-symbol_description▷missing◁Symbol reordering code (other than currency), see LDML Part 5: Collation
nu-adlm_description▷missing◁Adlam digits
nu-bhks_description▷missing◁Bhaiksuki digits
nu-newa_description▷missing◁Newa digits
tz-mmrgn_aliasAsia/RangoonAsia/Rangoon Asia/Yangon
_description▷missing◁Astrakhan, Russia
_description▷missing◁Barnaul, Russia
_description▷missing◁Kirov, Russia
_description▷missing◁Tomsk, Russia
_description▷missing◁Ulyanovsk, Russia
t_Extensiond0-digit_descriptionxxxconvert to digit form of accent
s0-zawgyi_description▷missing◁map Zawgyi Myanmar encoding to Unicode

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