

Unicode-based Text Display for Smart Appliances

Arie Mazur - Slangsoft

Intended Audience: Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Marketer
Session Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Slangsoft helps Web-based applications, on-line services and Internet Appliance makers serve their booming number of international users by providing the ability to input text, smarter, faster and in any national language. All Slangsoft products are based on the Unicode standard.

Slangsoft has developed a super-small Unicode-based rendering and cross-platform font engine, complete with a rendering mechanism that allows fonts in 42 languages to be drawn at any platform. The super small footprint of the engine (less than 50k), as well as the amazingly small size of the fonts (e.g. more than 3,000 Chinese characters in any size, italic, bold and anti-aliasing is less than 30k), makes the engine perfect for Smart Appliances which are gaining popularity at a rapid pace. Allowing characters in any language to be displayed on the device minimizes the Smart Appliance Maker's costs associated with the production, warehousing and distribution of different devices for each country or region.

The font engine marks the first ever engine of this size that utilizes the Unicode standard.

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18 Jun 2000, Webmaster