

Philip Blair, jr. - The World Bank

Philip Blair is a middle-aged (but not yet self-pitying) anthropologist with experience in the Andes and elsewhere in Latin America; he is currently employed by the Information Solutions Group of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (a.k.a. the World Bank). A resident of Washington, D.C., he is taxed but not represented in Congress - a blatantly undemocratic situation that is a blot on the flag of the United States. He hopes that Unicode will play a role in the aims and aspirations of the indigeneous peoples of the Hemisphere and the whole world.

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International Unicode Conferences are organized by Global Meeting Services, Inc., (GMS). GMS is pleased to be able to offer the International Unicode Conferences under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by GMS. The independent conference board serves solely at the pleasure of GMS and is composed of volunteers active in Unicode and in international software development. All inquiries regarding International Unicode Conferences should be addressed to info@global-conference.com.

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11 Jun 2000, Webmaster