Re: Plain text: Amendment 1

Date: Mon Jul 05 1999 - 13:37:05 EDT

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 03:16:01AM -0700, wrote:
> 3) could be something like one out of 3:
> 1. CR
> 2. LF
> 3. CR LF

To clarify: I think "line break" could follow the conventions
currently in use on the Internet: Accept all of the three above forms,
but only generate one form, preferably the CR LF sequence.

It seems like the Internet is going to standardize on UTF-8,
and as UTF-8 encodes C0 as a single octet, I think there would be
much sense in chosing a C0 sequence for the "line break" function.

I think the paragraph break could then be chosen as one of
the C0 Information separators, possibly the Record Separator
aka control-^ .

Just my 2 eurocent


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