Re: Ancient writing found in Turkmenistan

From: Martin Heijdra (mheijdra@Princeton.EDU)
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 08:56:49 EDT

There was a photo in Sunday's New York Times. The long article (more
informative than the one cited here), but not the photo, is on its Web site.
It was a seal with 4 signs.

It was a rather annoying article: it was a "new civilization (the BMAC", of
which " archaeologists only had become aware after the fall of the Soviet
Union". Of course, it were the British and American archaeologists only who
were ignoring this area; Russian, French, Italian and German books and
articles had been appearing for decades, and had made their way into many a
non-English general public-oriented book...

Martin Heijdra

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Cimarosti" <>
To: "'Misha Wolf'" <>; <>;
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:00 AM
Subject: RE: Ancient writing found in Turkmenistan

> Misha Wolf wrote:
> > A previously unknown civilisation was using writing in Central Asia
> The article says that the seal was presented in Harvard and Pennsylvania
> universities.
> I think there is someone from at least one of those institutions on this
> mailing list. Anyone attend those seminars? Or have any material to share?
> _ Marco

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