Re: OT: some kind of virus?

From: G. Adam Stanislav (
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 13:40:14 EDT

At 15:39 2001-07-24 +0100, Michael Everson wrote:
>I KNOW this isn't the forum for this, but for the last three days

It's the W32/SirCam@MM virus. It is the nastiest virus yet,
just look at the sheer number of infected systems that keep
trying to spread it. It is extremely annoying even if you are
not at risk, simply because it contains such huge file attaches,
and, therefore, takes so much time to get your email.

It is so nasty because it does not infect individual files
but an entire operating system: It takes advantage of a flaw
in the design of Windows -- it modifies the registry so
every time *any* .exe file is loaded, Windows will also run
the virus.

A detailed description is at McAfee's web site:


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