Re: New plane 1 page for testing your browsers

From: James Kass (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 22:57:17 EST

Martin Duerst wrote,

> I don't understand why this page uses x-user-defined as a charset.
> Labeling it as US-ASCII would be perfectly correct.
> The 'charset' only applies to the binary encoded characters, not
> to NCRs.

It would be perfectly correct and might even allow the page to
sport one of those "valid-HTML" gifs from W3.

But, it would mean that the Internet Explorer user would have to
manually switch the [View] - [Encoding] to user defined in order
to see the page, thus loading the page twice. With the character
set set to x-user-defined, the page loads right the first time in
IntExp. (In Opera, it seems to load OK either way.)

Several of the popular browsers are also more accepting of non-core
fonts under the "User Defined" selection and specifying user defined
may help disable undesirable font switching mechanisms.

Best regards,

James Kass.

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