Funky characters, Japanese, and Unicode

From: $B$m!;!;!;!;(B $B$m!;!;!;(B (
Date: Thu Jan 17 2002 - 19:36:22 EST

1. I have a Geocities page now. I do not know what encoding Geocities uses,
but I think it's unicode. What I did for the Japanese text on it was not
think about encodings and just type it in with Microsoft's IME (and do some
swearing at the IME at the process). And it comes out fine, for the most
part. Why does this work? What encoding does it use?

2. When I want to include the little heart character in my messages, is
there any special IME trick I use to get it?

3. I wrote a couple of trivial, though lengthy, JavaScript programs using
Unicode codepoints. I wonder: Would a Japanese system interpret the
backslashes in the program (as in "\uFFFF" or whatever) as yen signs, thus
stopping the program from working properly?

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