RE: Talk about Unicode Myths...

From: Suzanne M. Topping (
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 13:42:07 EST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Curtis Clark []

> Maybe I'm missing something here. My browsers don't display ASCII in
> fraktur, because I have not selected a fraktur font as either
> the system
> font or the default browser font. It seems to me that an
> average Japanese
> user would have only Japanese fonts installed, so that all
> CJK would appear
> in Japanese style no matter what its source. Why is there an issue?

It's an issue because many people hate Han unification, and don't think
fonts should be the answer. Separate encodings for glyph variations
should be the answer. Anything else is a cultural slap in the face.

(Simplified answer of course.)

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