Re: Dutch IJ, again

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 12:05:28 EDT

  • Next message: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan: "Re: Unicode-compliant email manager on XP system"

    Pim Blokland wrote:
    > Well, in some ways, the ij DOES act like a letter. For instance, its
    > titlecase version is IJ, not Ij. (That is, a word such as "ijver" is
    > written as "IJver" when at the start of a sentence.) Encoding it as a
    > single codepoint makes this easier to implement.

    It occurs to me that I would almost always capitalize as IJver, for the
    same reason that I and many others routinely capitalize the second
    letter as well as the first: keyboard slips. In every other case,
    though, it would be an error, which en-us MS Word would automatically
    correct. :-)

    Curtis Clark        
    Mockingbird Font Works        

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