RE: [OT] No more IE for Mac

From: Carl W. Brown (
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 22:03:37 EDT

  • Next message: Christopher John Fynn: "Re: [OT] No more IE for Mac"


    > This is an equal opportunity forum intended for discussion of issues
    > relative to Unicode, an industrial consortium that includes (among many
    > others) the companies you are talking about. Excessive anti-ANYONE talk is
    > really not productive.

    I disagree with Philippe's message in that I think that it is based on
    Microsoft's determination to follow the idea that browsers are not
    applications but part of the OS. This means that IE can become more Windows
    specific. The Unicode aspects are that if browsers are extensions of the OS
    that how will browsers perform that are build on non-Unicode based OSes?

    Let us hope that this drop of support will result in a browser that is
    specifically designed to provide good Unicode support on a non-Unicode OS
    rather than adding Unicode support to a piece of code that was designed for
    an OS with integrated Unicode support.

    Browsers have become a critical par of even transitional application where
    developers have chosen to use browsers even for locale application because
    it can solved many i18n and Unicode support issues if the browsers have good


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