Re: French group separators, was Re: The character for 10**24 in Japanese numbers (jo)

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Mon Jul 07 2003 - 07:15:38 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: French group separators"

    On Monday, July 07, 2003 8:41 AM, Tex Texin <> wrote:
    > Stefan,
    > Thanks for your comments.
    > Philippe,
    > Thanks for your comments. I may add some of the notes to the page.
    > However, I want to question your recommendation of U+2009 as I believe
    > that is a breaking space. Perhaps you meant U+2007 Figure Space?

    I can't make a recommandation on which space figure to use.
    Ideally, it must just be *less wide* than a digit and *not justified*, it must
    be *unbreakable*. The ideal space to use depends on the available fonts,
    and in practive most texts are coded with NBSP (sometimes a standard
    SPACE, but using simply nothing is better than using a SPACE), and the
    final space is substituted during formatting before publishing.

    > The comment of my own I may add, is that for some software
    > applications, using
    > these spaces may affect searching.
    > With respect to your last comment:
    > "With a space, a number like "123 456" is NEVER ambiguous for anyone...",
    > the word "never" is too strong. For me it is very ambiguous, since it
    > looks to me like two numbers. ;-)

    My "anyone" relates to French readers. It's innaceptable to write two numbers
    just separated by spaces, you need a punctuation sign:
    => "123,<standard space>456" means two numbers in French,
    => "123,456" means one decimal number.

    The list separator in French is preferably the semicolon, rather than a comma
    (which must then have a space):
    => "123<thin space>;<standard space>456"
    The <thin space> is here also encoded accroding to the character encoding
    constraints and fonts (here also less wide than a digit, unbreakable and
    not justified).

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