Re: About the European MES-2 subset (was: PUA Audio Description, Subtitle, Signing)

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Jul 17 2003 - 20:59:16 EDT

  • Next message: djinn: "Putting Unicode to Work"

    On Friday, July 18, 2003 2:18 AM, Kenneth Whistler <> wrote:

    > MES-2 was not designed by the UTC, nor did it take any of
    > these considerations into account. It is not really an
    > appropriate construct for the Unicode Standard. A more
    > meaningful way to think of it is: if you want to sell software
    > in Europe, you better be able to input and display all the
    > characters we Europeans have in this list.

    I interpret it like this way:

    MES-2 is a collection of characters independant of their actual encoding.
    To support MES-2 in a Unicode-compliant application, extra characters
    need to be added, notably if the minimum requirement for information
    interchange is the NFC form used by XML and HTML related standards.

    It would be interesting to inform CEN about how MES-2 can be
    documented to comply with all normative Unicode algorithms, and
    the minimum is to ensure the NFC closure of this subset, which
    should have better not included compatibility characters canonically
    decomposed to singleton decompositions, and should now reintegrate
    the missing NFC form.

    For obvious reasons, the case mappings should also be closed, but
    not necassarily compatibility decompositions, or characters needed
    for the NFD form (notably combining diacritics, which may be added
    only on applications that can process and recompose them on the
    when querying supported precomposed characters in fonts).

    Does the default TrueType fonts for Windows support the whole
    MES-2 repertoire (Times New Roman, Arial and Courrier New),
    including on Windows 95 without Uniscribe installed and used?

    In practice, MES-2 support will always need additional characters
    to ensure the minimum closures, and ISO10646 should work with
    CEN to fix their set in a revision.

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