Re: Back to Hebrew, was OT:darn'd fools

From: Jim Allan (
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 13:15:46 EDT

  • Next message: Roozbeh Pournader: "Re: Meaning of a.o. Persian"

    Michael Everson posted:

    > Then you have the old problem: what does « LE
    > PRESIDENT ASSASSINE » mean if such a practice is
    > employed?


    The context where all capital French without diacritics occurs in Canada
    is generally in mailing lists where name and address data and other data
    is all capitals without diacritics.

    I've been involved with such things for about ten years now, and at
    least over half, perhaps over three-quarters, of the mailing lists I've
    seen have been of this kind.

    Mailers often want the data intelligently titlecased when used in a
    mailing because it looks better, even though titlecasing software will
    have to play the odds for names like MACDONALD and MACINTOSH as to
    whether to uppercase the first letter following "Mac" or not.

    Apparently people don't much complain about the misspelling which much

    But if you similarly titlecase French data and there are also missing
    diacritics, the mailer receives complaint after complaint from Québecois
    furious at their name being mispelled. But leave the in capitals without
    diacritics and no-one complains.

    So that is what is done.

    Of course while uppercase without diacrtics is considered acceptable
    uppercase with diacrtics is still considered *more* correct.

    Jim Allan

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