Re: Questions on ZWNBS - for line initial holam plus alef

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 20:27:20 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Conflicting principles"

    Philippe continued:

    > On Saturday, August 09, 2003 12:49 AM, Michael Everson wrote:
    > > At 14:22 -0700 2003-08-08, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    > >
    > > > Philippe, you are tilting at windmills, here. There is no chance
    > > > that the UTC is going to consider such a character, in my
    > > > assessment, let alone give it the properties you suggest.
    > >
    > > Nor WG2 either.
    > Why that? Because I suggest something that some other may think
    > as useful to fill a large gap in Unicode for spcing diacritics, but I'm
    > not trusted enough due to my errors or confusions here, so that this
    > suggestion would be endorsed by more "serious" UTC or WG2
    > members?

    Mostly because there is no "large gap" here in the first place.
    > Why do you think it is stupid to have a single carrier character that
    > would avoid adding new spacing diacritics, when the standard
    > combining diacritics could be used without less "quirks" like
    > "defective" sequences just to produce the desired effect?

    Because the mechanism for doing so -- application to SPACE or
    to NBSP -- has been specified by the standard for a decade now.

    > If you think that spacing diacritics are stupid,

    We do not. Some of them are necessary compatibility characters.
    Others have distinct usage as spacing forms that warrant
    their separate encoding.

    > why then are they
    > given these properties and not deprecated (no more recommanded)
    > in the standard,

    Because the ones in the standard, and particularly the ASCII
    and Latin-1 spacing diacritics, were required for a number
    of legacy and implementation reasons...

    > in favor of the SPACE+diacritics sequences,

    ...and because these are not, and never have been, canonically


    "Well then, if he be mad, as he is, and with a madness that mostly
    takes one thing for another, and white for black, and black for
    white, as was seen when he said the windmills were giants, and the
    monk's mules dromedaries, flocks of sheep armies of enemies, and
    much more to the same tune, it will not be very hard to make him
    believe that some country girl, the first I come across here, is
    the lady Dulcinea; and if he does not believe it, I'll swear it;
    and if he should swear, I'll swear again; and if he persists I'll
    persist still more, so as, come what may, to have my quoit always
    over the peg. Maybe, by holding out in this way, I may put a stop
    to his sending me on messages of this kind another time..."

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