Re: ADO, SQL-Server and VB6

From: Marc (
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 11:05:03 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Questions on ZWNBS - for line initial holam plus alef"

    > I might be able to help.


    > Two questions:
    > 1. How firmly have you tracked down the point at which this conversion
    > happens?

    I assume it happens when the array dbdata is filled. I insert here the
    VB 6 demo script:

    Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection
    Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection
    adoCon.ConnectionString = "UnicodeSQL" 'The SQL-Server datasource

    Set adoRS = adoCon.Execute("Select * from unicodetest")
    dbdata = adoRS.GetRows() 'hole alle Spalten ab


    The text entries in dbdata do not contain any non-CP1252-characters as
    they should.

    The corresponding python script is quite analogous:
    import win32com.client

    adoCon = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
    (adoRS, success) = adoCon.Execute('Select * from unicodetest')

    data = adoRS.GetRows()
    The entries in data contain the data as it is in the database (including
    all non-cp1252-characters)

    > 2. What is the datatype in the database? (text BLOB?, ntext BLOB? varchar?)

    The sample database which I created for this purpose has three fields of

    int, ntext and nvarchar

    The ntext and nvarchar fields contain identical data and behave

    Best regards,


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