OT: Free Fonts

From: John Hudson (tiro@tiro.com)
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 15:52:21 EST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: OT: Free Fonts"

    At 12:40 PM 12/4/2003, Adam Twardoch wrote:

    > No, the core fonts in Windows were all hinted for b/w rendering, because
    > > that is the rendering that MS used when those fonts were developed. MS are
    > > not currently shipping any fonts that are specifically hinted for
    > > rendering, although that will change in future.
    >As far as I understand, the fonts that are shipping with Microsoft Reader
    >(i.e. Frutiger Linotype and particularly Berling Antiqua) are hinted for CT.

    Yes, although it might be interesting to compare what that meant when those
    fonts were made (three years ago?) and what it might mean now, since the CT
    rendering is not static and has improved significantly since Reader 1.0. I
    wasn't thinking in terms of Reader fonts, but of the kind of core fonts to
    which Philippe was referring.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks www.tiro.com
    Vancouver, BC tiro@tiro.com

    Theory set out to produce texts that could not be processed successfully
    by the commonsensical assumptions that ordinary language puts into play.
    There are texts of theory that resist meaning so powerfully ... that the
    very process of failing to comprehend the text is part of what it has to offer
                 - Lentricchia & Mclaughlin, _Critical terms for literary study_

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