Re: [OT] CJK -> CJC (Re: Corea?)

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 15:25:01 EST

  • Next message: "Re: [OT] CJK -> CJC (Re: Corea?)"

    At 12:09 -0800 2003-12-15, Peter Kirk wrote:

    >Then let's hope that ISO 10646 doesn't decide to break its own rules
    >and change "KOREAN" to "COREAN" in character names e.g. U+321D.
    >Think what that would do to the Unicode stability policy - although
    >in fact only five names are affected.

    It is offensive to suggest that WG2 would do so.

    This thread could die now and it would be OK.


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