Re: Swastika to be banned by Microsoft?

From: Benjamin Peterson (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 19:33:17 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters"

    > The figure has other names besides swastika. In heraldry, The figure is
    > called a fylfot or sometimes a gammidion (four gammas arrayed).


    The use of 'fylfot' in heraldry is a Victorian affectation. There is
    only _one_ pre-Victorian use of this word, in which it appears to mean
    exactly what it sounds like -- a motif that fills the foot of a decorated

    In heraldry, a field divided according to a swastika shape should be
    described as 'ecartele en equerre'. Used as a motif, the swastika can be
    called a 'croix gammee', 'croix cramponee', a 'gammadion', or a 'cross
    potent rebated' depending on context and preference (this list is not at
    all exhaustive).


    Disclaimer: I am not a medieval knight.

    Not even a little bit on topic, I know -- but then, neither were the last
    few dozen posts.


      Benjamin Peterson

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